
This is the official documentation site for Lucidity, the commoditisation layer for DeFi leverage!

The leverage ecosystem is the biggest sector in DeFi, currently facing the following key challenges:

  • Liquidity Fragmentation

    • Hundreds of lending/CDP protocols building in silos across networks which makes it difficult for users and builders to discover optimal leverage sources

    • This leads to a lot of capital inefficiency with users earning suboptimal yields due to minimal management, often leading to unnecessary liquidations

  • Development Redundancies

    • Teams building on top of leverage markets (vaults and yield aggregators, portfolio management tools, liquidators, credit scoring protocols, etc.) have to redundantly integrate with multiple markets

    • Varying architectures and risk management frameworks across these protocols make it difficult to build scalable use-cases for the next wave of DeFi users

Lucidity's goal is to build a cohesive on-chain collaboration economy for all stakeholders building within the leverage ecosystem, by focusing on two fundamental verticals:

  • Efficient discovery and risk assessment across protocols and networks through a flagship discovery engine, backtesting frameworks, and associated toolings.

  • A series of integrations with lending/CDP protocols bundled with cross-chain routing, automations, and data management - to enable development on top of fragmented markets.

Lucidity's commoditisation layer is a missing piece in the current leverage stack, required to build multiple use-cases to help onboard the next wave of DeFi users, some of which are highlighted here.

Some use cases are highlighted here. If you have more ideas, get in touch.

OverviewKey Features

Last updated