Real-Time Data Engine

Types of Data Available

  • Protocol Data: Includes information on data points related to protocol, supported markets, oracles and liquidations.

  • User Data: Includes information on data points related to user / address e.g. active supply, borrow positions, APY, and rewards.

Protocol Data

  1. General Information

    • Details:

      • protocolName: Name of the protocol

      • network: Blockchain network (e.g., Ethereum)

      • description: Description of the protocol

      • totalValueLocked: TVL in the protocol

    • Statistics:

      • totalUsers: Total number of users

      • totalMarkets: Total number of markets

      • totalBorrowed: Total borrowed amount

      • totalSupplied: Total supplied amount

      • revenue: Revenue metrics (protocol, supply-side, etc.)

  2. Market Information

    • Market List:

      • Array of markets, each containing:

        • marketId: Unique identifier for the market

        • marketName: Name of the market

        • isActive: Whether the market is active

        • assetPairs: List of supported asset pairs

    • Market Metrics:

      • marketId: Unique identifier for the market

      • collateralFactor: Collateral factor for the market

      • liquidationThreshold: Liquidation threshold

      • maximumLTV: Maximum loan-to-value ratio

      • totalBorrowed: Total borrowed in this market

      • totalSupplied: Total supplied in this market

      • utilizationRate: Utilization rate

      • historicalRates: Array of historical rates (supply, borrow)

      • Rewards and APYs:

        • supplyAPY: Annual percentage yield for suppliers

        • borrowAPY: Annual percentage yield for borrowers

        • rewardTokens: List of reward tokens available in the market

        • netRewardSupplyAPY: Net supply APY including rewards

        • netRewardBorrowAPY: Net borrow APY including rewards

        • netSupplyAPY: Net supply APY

        • netBorrowAPY: Net borrow APY

  3. Oracles

    • Oracle Data:

      • oracleId: Unique identifier for the oracle

      • oracleName: Name of the oracle

      • supportedAssets: List of assets supported by the oracle

      • currentPrices: Current asset prices

      • historicalPrices: Historical asset prices

  4. Liquidations

    • Liquidation Metrics:

      • totalLiquidations: Total liquidation events

      • liquidationVolume: Total volume of liquidations

      • liquidatedAccounts: Accounts that have been liquidated

      • historicalLiquidations: Array of historical liquidation events

  5. Protocol Metrics

    • Transaction Metrics:

      • borrowCount: Total number of borrow transactions

      • depositCount: Total number of deposit transactions

      • repayCount: Total number of repay transactions

      • withdrawCount: Total number of withdraw transactions

      • flashloanCount: Total number of flashloan transactions

How to Access

  • APIs and GraphQL endpoint: The Real-Time Data Engine provides RESTful APIs and GraphQL endpoint that developers can use to access various data points. Detailed documentation and usage examples will be made available soon in Developer portal.

Last updated